
After graduating from DePauw University with a degree in biochemistry, I travelled to Northern Uganda and volunteered at St. Mary’s Hospital Lacor.  During my period in East Africa, I came to devote myself to photography much more deeply.  I started to understand that the camera has the power to tell the stories that even for the most talented writers can remain ineffable.      

Upon returning to the United States, I committed myself to the practice of Zen Buddhism at Zen Mountain Monastery in the Catskill Mountains of New York.  The concentration and mindfulness aspects of Zen were very in keeping with the discipline of photography.  Furthermore, many aspects of Zen practice stress the paucity of language to express deep truths about existence. This is a truth I have experienced often in my own life.  

This body of work is a result of an interest to live these experiences rather than to document and share them.  I am fascinated by seeing the rawness of life and am fueled by an interest to bring forth deeper meaning, sincerity, and resolution within my own life.  This has been a pursuit to literally and figuratively face reality directly.  The camera has been a critical tool for this aim, and the photographs seen on this site are the products of this path.